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How to build consistency with diet and exercise

Have you ever felt motivated about starting a new diet or incorporating more exercise in your life but then all of a sudden 24 hours later you’re back doing exactly what you were before? Why is it easier to concoct the idea of change in your mind but when it comes to actually doing it feels like it’s almost impossible. Is there a way around it?

In my opinion, yes and no.

It’s pretty much human nature to want things to be better. We can all pinpoint the little thing in our daily lives that we’d need to adjust to make our fitness goals come to fruition. But to make something really stick, we need to change our want to a need. You also need to appreciate the work that it’s going to take to get your ideal body because if you don’t it will definitely humble you as you make your way along your journey.

It usually takes most people 21 days to form a habit. This can be anything really but in terms of fitness this means eating healthy and sticking to your calorie goal or getting any type of workout in for a 3 week period. This may not seem like a long time but if you’re really used to your current routine, it will seem impossible even making it through the first week. You just need to understand you’re going to have to get comfortable feeling uncomfortable for the foreseeable future. Most people use tangible results as a motivator along the way but in the beginning you’re going to be hard-pressed to see much in the way of physical changes to keep you going past the initial bout of motivation.

You just simply have to suck it up. It really does come down to that. I could list a million different things for you guys to consider or implement to make things easier but it really doesn’t get more simple than that. You have to realize that in life if you want to achieve great things you really need to step away from comfort for a bit and be okay with the change and uncertainty that lies with trying new things. Especially if it’s something you know you definitely need to do. And you also have to understand that once you follow through and get that ideal body, unless you want to lose all your progress, you’re going to have to put in some more work to maintain that shape going forward.

When it comes to becoming the healthiest version of yourself, it’s never always sunshine and rainbows. There’s a lot of tough workouts and hungry nights that lie in your future, but it goes without saying that it’s all worth it. Having a great body and a healthy attitude towards diet and nutrition will change your life and I can vouch that it can positively impact other aspects of your life as well. The version of you that awaits during your new journey will undoubtedly be somebody who you can be super proud of, day in and day out.

The best part about it all is that even when you have a bad day, with diet and exercise, you will always have a win. And nobody can take that away from you. You know, except yourself.. Good luck!