We all create our own paths.
Some people have it easy. Most have to work a bit to get what they want. And then there's me.
Growing up, we all have our challenges. None of us were made to be perfect, but we have the ability within each and every one of ourselves to see past certain things to become stronger as people.
But what if the shortcomings we try to overcome have an impact on limiting what we perceive to be our passion and putting doubt into our dreams and desires. That you see, was my dilemma.
You will fall, but you better get back up...
My body was never designed to cut weight. Even eating what is considered to be an average diet to most would lead me to putting on weight in great amounts. It was around 15 that I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. This would mean that my metabolism would always hold me back from achieving the body I always dreamed of and hindering my goals for the foreseeable future. It would also mean I would get tired easily and be much more prone to depression which I felt right away...
Sure, I could still gain muscle but what was the point if it would always be covered in high amounts of body fat. The disease also meant that I would have to take a pill every morning for the rest of my life which is less than ideal.
I let that feeling sit with me for a couple of years and I always blamed this setback as the reason for not becoming the strongest version of myself. But not anymore..
So many people through the years have gone through much worse to achieve so much more than I was and that lit a fire in me and made me realize my destiny was in my own hands. We all have a reason to stay the way we are and live with what we have, but we also have so much more to prove and I wasn't going to let this thought hold me back from my true potential.
Do you have what it takes?
As of today, nothing scares me more than staying stagnant and not growing. We all have room for improvement and I plan on breaking any barrier and setbacks that get in my way. Because I am stronger then what life will choose to send my way and if I ever fall, you better believe I'll be back on my two feet with more determination than ever. Failure is not an option. I will learn from it, but I will never let it keep me down.